Our parish is family,

and we rely on each other for solace, spiritual companionship, and to celebrate the joys of fellowship with Jesus Christ. Our strength is our commitment to each other and to the Word.

Our mission at St. Philip is to live and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to serve the needs of our local and global communities, and to support the evangelical work of the Episcopal church in the United States of America.

our core values


  •  ​sustaining our foundation of faith
  • sustaining our roots in our African American heritage while embracing cultures and traditions of all
  • nurturing our young parishioners as well as the community
  • promoting Christian fellowship
  • faith-based community of inclusiveness
  • understanding and accepting change

our goals

  • To open wide the doors of our church to young people and their families who need support.
  • To be a safe haven and a place where all are welcomed.
  • To become a forward thinking and entrepreneurial parish in its approach to address church leadership; social justice; health advocacy; and cultural and generational enlightenment amongst the youth in our communities.
  • To build a program primarily for our youth that speaks to them about spiritual wholeness; mental and physical health; and social justice.