How we serve

Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.

2 Corinthians 4:1

Giving of ourselves is part of the DNA of St. Philip’s,

and we see our local community and our world community as extensions of our church family and therefore our responsibility – we serve Christ by serving and loving our neighbors.


St. Philip has been active with the BREAD (Building Responsibility, Equality And Dignity) organization for many years. We host meetings, attend meetings, and fundraising. Our church is committed to the mission of BREAD and our representatives work closely with the organization to ensure that we are able to help where we can.

Community Youth Outreach Committee

This committee was designed for St. Philip members to learn the needs of the youth in our community; to interact with the youth; and to the support youth that are outside of our church.

Food Pantry

An outreach ministry that provides 3-4 days’ supply of food and necessities for families in the community each week.

The Friends of the Homeless

Begun in the 1980’s, this ministry incorporates different organizations in the church to fix one meal a month for the men living at the Friends of the Homeless shelter in our community. The groups prepare meals at the church then deliver to the shelter for 70-170 men depending on the season (see outreach section for more highlights on this ministry). Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

HAGAKURE DAI GAKU Community Outreach Program

The Hagakure Dai Gaku outreach program is a 3-tiered multi-faceted youth and adult enrichment outreach program. St. Philip is the hub for this worldwide program that began in 1966 with members having now started branches of this program in Japan, Spain, Canada, and locally in Ohio.

This program at its base includes free martial arts classes where the students begin learning Japanese, mental health and physical development, and self-defense. Those on the demonstration team, participate in the Annual Asian Festival. The participants attend local tournament competitions, and the Martial Arts World Games which produced a Gold Medalist World champion.

After the martial arts class, students participate in classes or workshops that work towards the discovery and enhancement of their skills and abilities in leadership and interpersonal skills, effective study habits and appreciating the value of language skills (Japanese) other than their own, and promoting the concept that knowledge is power for all ages.

The local branches of this outreach program, work together and provide classes for refugees by offering ESL, and acclamation to life in Ohio. Additional offerings include instruction on nutrition, anatomy and physiology, physics, kinesiology, cardiovascular health, racial awareness and acceptance, and leadership skills. Among participating students, we also serve individuals with special needs and challenges. These skills have helped 2 students receive full ride scholarships to college.

In the Garden

A group of St. Philip volunteers and friends work in conjunction with Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square in downtown Columbus. Every six weeks, this group comes together to prepare meals that are taken to Trinity to feed the homeless during a small service.

Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study currently meets every Sunday at 4:00 on Zoom (During non-pandemic times, we were meeting in the library from 9:20 A.M. to 10:20 A.M.) The leader/teacher of the Class, a lay person, informs “We are a lively group as we study God’s Word, share our experiences and questions, as well as encourage and pray for each other in our journeys with God.” Participation increased greatly as one other Episcopal church without Sunday School joined as well as prior St. Philip members who had moved out of state and other friends of members. This community has become cohesive and plans to continue in some manner as a Bible Study after it is safe for the Sunday School class to return to in person in our church.

St. Philip Youth – S.P.Y. for the Lord

A combination of all youth programs including the Acolyte Guild, Youth Group, and Youth Sunday School. Participation is encouraged in the church on a local, diocesan, and national level. The youth design a youth Sunday service on the 5th Sunday of each month. They also host several fundraising events such as the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Each year the youth participate in the Union of Black Episcopalian conference and try to take in one local activity each summer whether it is attending the Ohio state fair or swimming at a local pool.

Altar Guild

A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Dedicated volunteers who read the lessons, prayers of the people, Psalms, and other readings during services. LEMs assist the priest in administering the sacraments of holy communion, the consecrated bread and wine. The LEM also includes the readers guild, who are volunteers that read the lessons on Sundays.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic visitor is authorized to take the consecrated elements in a timely manner following a celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who are not able to attend church in person. After the provision of Communion, that visitor will provide updates on the church functioning and allow those who are sick to remain connected with the church. A Daughter of the King accompanies each Lay Eucharistic Visitor for visits. Training for this ministry will be provided by the parish clergy.

Dedicated volunteers who are commissioned by the Priest to share the sacraments of Communion to those members who are unable to physically attend church. Often these are parishioners who are in assisted living, nursing homes or in their own homes.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers visit one time per month and seek to bring God’s presence to those who are homebound. The service most commonly used is the Provision of “Communion Under Special Circumstances” on page 396 in the Book of Common Prayer.

Training for this ministry will be provided by the parish clergy. Please get in touch to request Communion for a member of the church.

Usher Guild

A group of St. Philip adults and youth who greet and welcome members and visitors each Sunday. The addition of youth with special needs to this guild was welcomed and heartwarming, truly signifying that there is a place for everyone to help during our services. Ushers participate in all services including weddings and funerals.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is always investigating the latest needs of our church to ensure our church family is able to stay connected though they may not be able to be with us physically.  Each Sunday our service is streamed via Zoom and youTube. 

Helping organizations, groups, and guilds of the church by creating marketing needs for the different events that they will host, is also part of our ministry; as well as helping to set up online and hybrid meetings for the church.

Are you someone who likes to work with technology, we can always use more people on our team!! 

Episcopal Church Men

The mission of St Philip Episcopal Church (ECM) is to follow God’s teaching and to do outreach in our church and community. The ECM is a group of dedicated men who work towards capital improvement of the church building (most recent examples are cleaning, helping to maintain the Memorial Garden, and painting) The ECM strives to support young men in the community who need monetary assistance. ECM further serve as mentors to the youth of the church and community; in past years they have accompanied the youth to local sporting events and other activities. Additionally, ECM hosts the annual fish fry which promotes fellowship in the church and community.

Episcopal Church Women

The ECW of St. Philip is an organization that is not afraid to reinvent itself. In the past, the ECW has been known for the annual Women’s Day service and membership tea.  During our tea, we would highlight different topics.  Two of our most memorable topics were the African dress fashion show and the hat invitation. The ECW supports the United Thank Offering (UTO) and other organizations like the youth scholarship fund throughout the year. During the pandemic, the ECW took some time off and in 2022, we decided to reevaluate what the organization will look like and how we will continue to support the Episcopal church and women in the future.

Pastoral Care Committee

The scope and overall goal of this committee is, under the leadership of the Priest, to offer kindness, compassion, Christian love, and concern to parishioners in crisis, need, sickness, and/or grief. Members of this committee enjoy sending cards on a regular basis to those unable to worship in person to let our members know they are an important part of our parish. Members of this committee have also begun visiting parishioners as Covid is decreasing. Many of the cards sent have been developed by a committee member.

Training for this ministry will be provided by the parish clergy.

Robert Shaw Men’s Choir

The men’s choir has been a staple of St. Philip for many years. In honor of a beloved member Robert Shaw who passed away, the men’s choir renamed themselves the Robert Shaw Men’s Choir. The men’s choir sings every 4th Sunday with Christine Franklin on piano.

Episcopal Church Women

The ECW of St. Philip is an organization that is not afraid to reinvent itself. In the past, the ECW has been known for the annual Women’s Day service and membership tea.  During our tea, we would highlight different topics.  Two of our most memorable topics were the African dress fashion show and the hat invitation. The ECW supports the United Thank Offering (UTO) and other organizations like the youth scholarship fund throughout the year. During the pandemic, the ECW took some time off and in 2022, we decided to reevaluate what the organization will look like and how we will continue to support the Episcopal church and women in the future.


Seniors and Loving Today is a Christian fellowship group that has monthly meetings. They host outings, events, and presentations. S.A.L.T. meets in person at the church on the 1st Wednesday of the month.

Saint Philip Episcopal Church Safety & Security Group

The SPEC Safety & Security group was formed in 2006 as a viable service to the church. The group consists of all volunteer members who work for the safety of our members and visitors.

St. Philip Youth – S.P.Y. for the Lord

A combination of all youth programs including the Acolyte Guild, Youth Group, and Youth Sunday School. Participation is encouraged in the church on a local, diocesan, and national level. The youth design a youth Sunday service on the 5th Sunday of each month. They also host several fundraising events such as the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Each year the youth participate in the Union of Black Episcopalian conference and try to take in one local activity each summer whether it is attending the Ohio state fair or swimming at a local pool.

St. Philip Chancel Choir

The Choir is well known in the Diocese and beyond for its beautiful voice and diversity in songs. The choir is under the direction of Ed Wiles, It leads the people in singing at all worship services. They also participate in providing music at other events in the community. Many of the members are also members of the Harmony Project.

The Order of the Daughters of the King

The St. Philip Chapter was founded and installed in 1996. The Order of the Daughters of the King is a spiritual praying order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in the Anglican Communion and/or churches in the historic episcopate. Our membership includes Episcopal, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Churches. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at baptism, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish.

Union of Black Episcopalians

St. Philip is part of the Herbert Thompson Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians. We work together with other historically black churches in the diocese to discuss the needs of the black churches, execute an annual Absalom Jones symposium, and address racial and other social justice issues.

Widow’s Mite

The widows might group formed many years ago by widows of the church. Their mission was to provide companionship and comfort to one another as well as provide a small scholarship towards books for those entering and in college. This was done by having an annual bake sale.

With revisioning, the heart of the Widow’s Mite remains the same, companionship, comfort and education.  We now have four events a year that bring not only widows and widowers together, but all those who have lost someone.

Our annual fundraiser is the All Saints Day Brunch held each November.  A special booklet and video presentation is created with those in the church who have passed away and any loved one who we lost over the past year.  Names are never taken out, just added.