St. Philip Youth – S.P.Y. for the Lord
A combination of all youth programs including the Acolyte Guild, Youth Group, and Youth Sunday School. Participation is encouraged in the church on a local, diocesan, and national level. The youth design a youth Sunday service on the 5th Sunday of each month. They also host several fundraising events such as the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Each year the youth participate in the Union of Black Episcopalian conference and try to take in one local activity each summer whether it is attending the Ohio state fair or swimming at a local pool.
Want to be a part or just get more information?
Get in touch!
Sunday School
Held during worship services for youth grades kindergarten to twelfth grade.
Serve each Sunday assisting the clergy and altar party with the service. Youth ages 8 and up are welcome to join the acolyte guild.
Youth Group
All the youth of the St. Philip Church come together for fun and learning in the church, with activities such as holiday plays, Family Fun Days during the summer, fundraisers, UBE trips, Acolyte Festival and more. Always learning about Christian life and having a good time doing it!