Youth Sunday School Class

Youth Sunday School Class

Youth Sunday School Class During worship services (pre-COVID) for youth grades kindergarten through twelfth grade. Our curriculum is selected each year, to be engaging and informative for youth of all ages. During Covid, Sunday school is executed via the weekly...
Youth & Family Bible Study

Youth & Family Bible Study

Youth & Family Bible Study An intergenerational bible study where adults, youth, and families discuss different aspects of the Episcopal church, the bible, and the book of common prayer, or a topic unique to our group. This is a very organic bible study.  We do...
Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study Adult Bible Study currently meets every Sunday at 4:00 on Zoom (During non-pandemic times, we were meeting in the library from 9:20 A.M. to 10:20 A.M.) The leader/teacher of the Class, a lay person, informs “We are a lively group as we study God’s...
St Philip Youth for the Lord (S.P.Y.)

St Philip Youth for the Lord (S.P.Y.)

Youth All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13 St. Philip Youth – S.P.Y. for the Lord A combination of all youth programs including the Acolyte Guild, Youth Group, and Youth Sunday School. Participation...